THE BROTHERS SERIES is an Action/Drama that covers the lives of two brothers living in first-century Palestine. Their little brother, David, and father are killed when the children are killed in Bethlehem by Herod the Great. They are separated as young boys; Enoch to a Zealot uncle in Galilee and Simeon to a potter in Jerusalem. They witness the coming and going of Jesus of Nasareth and must endure persecution from both the entrenched Jewish leadership and the occupying Romans.
Would you leave your home to escape persecution? The early Christians in Jerusalem had to do just that. The Roman occupation coupled with the Jewish opposition presented an overwhelming threat to those who followed The Way. Their businesses, homes and families were destroyed while the elite practiced deceit and deception.
Israel’s Brothers is the last of The Brothers Series, a Historical Fiction account of the life of two brothers who struggle with Roman occupation and Jewish politics during the first century. Encounters with Jesus, violent Zealots, devastating disease and love are woven through their lives like a tapestry of the times. Israel’s Brothers follows the brothers, Enoch and Simeon, from Rome to Jerusalem in an effort to save Jerusalem from certain destruction.
Welcome. My name is Ronald Hera, author of Bethlehem’s Brothers. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here. I’ll be using this blog to interact …
Kate Robinson
Us Book review